
£ 679 From
  • Cyber Essentials Certification
  • Cyber Essentials Support
  • £25k Insurance Cover
  • Policy Management
  • 12x Policy Templates
  • Dark Web Breach Monitoring
  • External Scanning x 2
  • Cyber Awareness Training
  • HR Advice Line
  • Employee Screening Registration


£ 1,984
Everything in Core, and;
  • Cyber Essentials Plus Certification
  • External Scanning x 3
  • GDPR Training
  • DPA Training
  • Phishing Simulator
  • Phishing Emails Templates
  • Phishing Landing Page Templates
  • Core is perfect for..


£ 2,947
Everything in Plus, and;
  • Fraud Awareness Training
  • Anti Bribery Training
  • Anti Money Laundering Training
  • Modern Slavery Training
  • Whistleblowing Training
  • Unlimited External Scanning
  • Intelligent Cloud Agent Device Scanning

Find the right features

Compare the features included in each package or contact us to help you find the right plan

See comparison chart
  • Secure Core
  • Popular
    Secure Plus
  • Secure Pro
Secure Core
Secure Plus
Secure Pro
Cyber Cert- Certification
Cyber Essentials
Online Questionnaire Assessment
Cyber Essentials Support
Guidance & support from our assessors
£25,000 Cyber Insurance Cover
Cyber Essentials Terms Apply
Cyber Essentials Plus
External & Internal on -site Assessment
Cyber Comply – Compliance
12x Policy Templates
Cyber Essentials and ISO27001 Compatible
Policy Management
Document Management
Cyber Intel– Intelligent Monitoring & Vulnerability Scanning
Dark Web Monitoring
Employee Breach Notifications
Vulnerability Scanning Assessment
Unlimited IPs per scan
x2 Scans3x ScansUnlimited Scans
Cloud Agent Based Scanning
Cyber Learn– Awareness Training
Cyber Security E-learning Training
17 Courses
Scenario Based Video Training
Employee Assessments
CPD Certificate & Trusted Badge
Upload own Training & Assessments
GDPR & Data Protection Courses
3 Courses
5x Compliance Courses
Anti-Money Laundering
Fraud Awareness
Modern Day Slavery
Cyber Phish- Phishing Simulation
Phishing Simulator
Unlimited Phishing and Ready made templates
Citation Services
HR Helpline
Employee Screening Registration
Plan Add-ons
Managed Penetration Testing
CREST Approved - Up to 30% off
Cyber Hack- Web Application Scanner
Cyber Intel- Virtual Network Scanner
Office 365 / Azure Security Review
Ransomware Table Top Exercise and Response Plan
Cyber Security Health Check
ISO27001 / ISO 9001 Certification
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